
Welcome to the wonderful world of Otters!

Otters is a 10-minute card game for kids (ages 6 and up) and otter-loving adults. It’s a deck of 53 custom cards, with photos of otters, lakes and an ornery alligator.

Complete Otters game, plus a custom Otters bag (available separately). Photo courtesy of Stephen Candy Photography.
Complete Otters game, plus a custom Otters bag (available separately). Photo courtesy of Stephen Candy Photography.

The basic Otters game is for 2 players, or for 2 teams of 2 players each. If you have two decks, you can play with 3-4 individual players (two-deck games take about 20 minutes instead of 10).

You can download the rules here, and you can download an early version of all of the cards to print and play yourself to try out here

The goal of Otters is to win the most valuable collection of lake playgrounds. There are 3 playground cards face-up on the table, each of which has a value between 2 and 10.

Some examples of the playground cards where the otters play
Some examples of the playground cards where the otters play

On your turn, you will send your otters to play at the lakes. Play 2 cards from your hand, either both to the same playground or to 2 different playgrounds. Check to see if the total number of otters at any of the playgrounds is at least as high as the playground’s value; if so, you win that playground!

Basic otter cards, worth 1, 2 and 3 points toward winning a playground
Basic otter cards, worth 1, 2 and 3 points toward winning a playground

When you’re done, draw until you have 4 cards in your hand, and put new playgrounds on the board if needed so that there are always 3 lakes.

Once all the playgrounds have been won, add up the value of your playgrounds, plus 5 bonus points if you collected three of a particular color lake. The player with the most points wins!

How to order

Otters is available on a print-on-demand basis from You can order it right here! The basic version there comes as a deck of cards without a box, but you have the option of adding a clear plastic deck box. The rules come on cards as part of the deck, but I recommend printing a copy of the more-nicely-formatted rule sheet right here.


Michael Iachini – Designer and publisher of Otters

12 thoughts on “Otters

  1. Hi, my name is Traci and I am a third grade teacher in a small district in Fort Lupton, Colorado. Corey from Scribelife Games introduced me to Otters and I absolutely love your game. I think that my students would benefit from playing this game as it would increase their basic math skills. I am interested in several copies of the game and wanted to know the best way to go about gaining access to the game. I noticed that you offer a free sample, but do you by chance have a discount if I order in bulk? Thanks so much, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

  2. Is it possible to get just the bag? I should have gotten one with the Kickstarter.
    Many thanks. My twin a Grandchildren are going to love it!

    1. Sally – thank you for your interest in Otters! Your question reminded me to update this page with a link to the print-on-demand version of Otters you can now purchase via I hope you enjoy it!

      Michael Iachini, Clay Crucible Games

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